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Blogging Monthly Review: April 2022

I still can’t get used to the fact that every time I sit down to write these blogging review posts that another month has gone by. A month that has felt both long yet fast. 

April was mentally challenging. I had a lot of off days after such a good month full of wins last March. There were days I really struggled to have a good day and every little thing irritated me. I remember writing this:

“I’ve been in a weird mood for maybe..a week already? I don’t understand why I’m feeling this way. I’m easily irritable and overwhelmed. I don’t feel like talking much but I’m also lonely. Even when I’m hungry, I’m lazy to eat. I don’t know. I’m just tired.”

It was honest and raw. It was a hard day that everything just felt off. The timing was off. I couldn’t get any work done. 

I’m sharing this to let you know that we have good days and bad days. And if you’re having an off-day, don’t forget to do something for you and take care of yourself.

But thankfully I did hit some of my goals done still during other days of the month, so let me share my progress here with you.

My April Goals

  1. Officially launch The Content Chest membership 
  2. Write posts for the membership for May, bonus if I can do, June too. 
  3. Pitch to fellow creators who would like to contribute content inside the membership 

Officially launch The Content Chest membership

I’ve officially launched The Content Chest membership. While there was no big launch meaning I didn’t do any challenges to hype it up, I have a more evergreen strategy which I’m slowly implementing on my blog.

I’ve now started designing my post layout where if they want the added content from a post, they can find it inside The Content Chest.

For example, in my post about Affiliate Marketing For Beginners + Free Platform to Help You Start, I write about what affiliate marketing is, what sites I use and I introduce the free platform.

But if you want to learn more about the process of applying for an affiliate marketing program, how to use Skimlinks, as well as the best ways to promote your affiliate links, you can find this inside The Content Chest.

Write posts for the membership for May 

I didn’t get to finish all the posts for May, especially because one of the posts was a really long one, but it’s finally up. It’s the 15+ Romantic Comedy KDrama Shows You Should Check Out, and it’s only been about about a week and it’s already on the 4th page of Google. I’m so thrilled about that! It really pays to do your keyword research and invest in SEO tools.

Invite fellow creators who would like to contribute content inside the membership 

I love inviting fellow bloggers, creators and entrepreneurs to share their expertise and craft through exclusive posts inside The Content Chest.

I’ve successfully reached out to a few and gotten confirmations. I’m happy about this, and need to continue inviting them. I do this to not only get them to share their expertise but for them to also promote themselves to a new community. 

So far the first contributor is Elva Li who shared about the  5 Keys to Create Your Magnetic Personal Brand.

If you are a blogger, creator or entrepreneur and would like to contribute inside The Content Chest, feel free to email me at hi[at]izzymatias.com. 

My other wins for this month 

  • At the beginning of the month, my Tiktok subscribers were only at 430 and ended at 800! It makes me so excited at this type of growth. 
  • I got my first PR package from Monki
  • My blog statistics increased a lot this month:  
    • 19.33% increase in the number of users who visited my blog
    • 9.26% increase in blog sessions
    • 25.85% increase in blog page views

Again, I’m so stoked that my blog traffic has been constantly increasing lately. 

I have a lot of things going on in May (both personally and work-wise), so I’m narrowing it down to one big goal. 

My May Goals

  1. Keep up with posting 1 article a week on my blog and inside The Content Chest membership 

What about you? What are the progress of your goals last month and what goals are you working on this month?

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  1. This is so relatable – everything about the past month felt so off to me! You still smashed your goals though so the biggest of well dones 🙂 Hopefully June will kick ass x

    mia // https://miasdiyprojects.com/

  2. I’m sorry that you felt like that Izzy, but you’re not alone as I felt the exact same too last month. I put it down to burnout and while I feel a little better now, I’m really trying to pace myself but it’s hard when you’re used to trying to do everything at once.

    Congratulations on your stats! I’m excited to see what new content you share in the membership 🙂