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August 2020 Blogging Goals

My favourite part about a new month is the chance to set goals and to review the previous’ month’s progress.

We’re midway through the third quarter of the year.

Crazy how time can both feel slow and fast, yeah?

2020 was the year that I officially went full-time with my blog and re-launched my signature course on how to start a money-making blog.

Still, I had so many goals and plans like landing more travel press trips.

But there are things out of our control like the pandemic.

So I’m doing my best to continue to grow my blogging biz from home in the meantime.

Anyway, what with it being a new month, and my favourite time to do goal-setting, let me share with you a recap of my July goals before launching into the goals for this month.

Sharing my goals on my blog helps me stay accountable and is an excellent way to review them month on month.

And yes, it’s also my attempt to bring back my monthly blog review posts.


July Goals: 

Be more active on Twitter Comment threads

I’m happy to say I was able to stick to this one. 

Sometimes I feel overwhelmed with joining comment threads. 

Though I am reminded through the collaboration I did with 15 other bloggers giving advice on how to grow a blog about how participating in these threads helps me connect with other bloggers. 

And since being more active on these threads, I’ve not only connected with more blogs but have seen an increase in my blog views and comments as well. 

Read: Why Your Blog Isn’t Getting Any Views and What to Do About It

Sell 2 Blog Audit Spots

This particular goal didn’t come to fruition though I did put it the work to set up the onboarding process and have been fixing the back-end stuff on my blog store for a smoother client process. 

Before this, my blog audit service was something people could only book if they messaged me on Instagram. Still, I’ve been wanting to create an official spot for it on my store so that it’s more visible.  

Gain an additional 50 email subscribers 

Since I aimed to get 50 new email subscribers, one of my strategies was to offer a different kind of opt-in freebie. 

Instead of the start a blog checklist or the blogging process checklist that I usually link in my posts, I created a fun quiz for bloggers to find out what type of blogger they are. 

I created a quiz because I wanted it to be shareable & fun.

Though I didn’t reach my goal, I’m still grateful for the 18 new people on my list. And the quiz played a significant role in getting these new people on my email list. 

Want to take the quiz? Click here to find out what type of blogger you are. 

And those were my July goals. Now on to this month’s goals.

August 2020 Goals

These are my blogging goals this August 2020:

Set up my low ticket funnel

In July, I purchased the Business Bundle which contained 90+ courses for business growth, and one of those courses was about setting up a low-ticket funnel. 

The 2-hour masterclass taught me a lot about how to properly set up a funnel to profit from it. 

It’s given me a lot of things to think about when it comes to setting up my own funnel. 

I’ve been able to map out the funnel, and I’m super excited to be able to put it into action and test it out via Facebook Ads.

The last time I tried ads for my blog was to test out Instagram Story ads and surprisingly they turned out extremely well!

The reason why this is one of my goals this month is that I want to be able to have an evergreen sales funnel.

Sell 3 Blog audit spots & launch it in my store 

As mentioned, I’ve done blog audits previously; however, the only way to book them would be via Instagram or if you emailed me asking about it. 

As a way to streamline the process and make it readily available, I launched it in my store. 

This particular goal has already been met – the actual launching & making the service available at my store here.

However, the other part of this goal is to be able to book 3 blog audit spots for this month.

At the time of writing this, I am finalising 1 blog audit spot already. 

The magical thing about this is that this particular client approached me and messaged me directly wanting to work with me. 

I was over the moon that a soul mate client had found me! 

I’ve recently tried scripting (a manifestation technique) this month to complement the affirmations that are part of my morning routine.  

One of the new affirmations I’ve included in my routine is this one from Milana Sarenac: 

“Business is easy and fun, and I am constantly attracting my soul mate clients easily.”

So to have a dream client approach me made me so excited to help her out with her blog!

Want your blog audited as well? Check out the personalised blog audit service here. 

Launch my content calendar template 

One of the digital products I’ve been wanting to launch since last year is my content calendar template

While I do use a physical planner, The Content Planner, I also use a digital one. 

This digital content calendar template was what I’ve used since launching my blog, and before I purchased The Content Planner

I wanted to be able to have an editable content calendar, so I created one.

I have perfectionism tendencies which meant I didn’t like having erasures on paper.

That’s why having a digital content calendar was a way to address this struggle of mine (perfectionism + how to be more consistent with my posts).

With a digital content calendar, I didn’t have to worry about erasures. I could simply drag and drop the text.

And it really did help me be consistent in publishing one post a week after launching my blog. 

The content calendar template has 12 sheets which include 5 bonus tracking files for different social media platforms as well as an income tracker. 

Here’s a little sneak peek: 

I’ll be officially launching it at a very affordable price this month so stay tuned for it!!

At the moment, you can sign up for the list on this sales page to be notified once it becomes available.

Pin 5 pins daily 

Being consistent with Pinterest is a real struggle of mine. 

Sometimes I’m able to schedule 1-2 weeks worth of pins and then when the time comes to create a new batch of pins, it can take me a while to get to it meaning some days I don’t get to upload fresh pins. 

And last May, my Pinterest MUV and impressions plummeted from 100+K down to less than 10k. 

With the help of some bloggers on Twitter, I was able to contact Pinterest through their support email account, and they told me that my account had been marked as spam.

Even after they emailed me to say that they fixed my account, it took a couple of weeks before my monthly views and impressions normalised.

It was heartbreaking because it was around this time that I was really working really hard to be consistent in uploading 15 fresh pins daily. 

Because of that, I’d been discouraged from creating fresh pins daily. 

I know, I know. 

I should keep persisting, but that was a massive blow for me since creating pins takes me so much time & effort.

And it’s not something I really enjoy doing.

To think I already use Pinterest templates to speed up my process.

I’m honestly thinking of hiring a Pinterest manager but I have to save up to be able to hire someone.

I’m still thinking it over.

In the meantime, I scaled back to creating 5 fresh pins daily instead so as not to overwhelm myself. 

I’d rather be writing or doing money-making activities instead of creating fresh pins or scheduling pins haha.

Any other bloggers out there feel me? 

Those are my top 4 goals – but if I take out the Pinterest goal – then I have my top 3 goals for August. 

August 2020 Goals Summary

To recap, these are my top goals for August

  1. Set up my low ticket funnel
  2. Sell 3 blog audit spots & launch it on my online store
  3. Launch my content calendar template
  4. Pin 5 pins daily 

And now over to you: what are your goals for this month? 

Want to advertise your blog? Check out the Ultimate Advertising For Bloggers Directory to find out which blogs you can advertise your blog with and grow your visibility

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  1. Ambitious goals but you can do it! The 50 subscribers will happen with a great opt-in freebie.

  2. Thanks for sharing your August goals with us, Izzy. I must admit, I do struggle with consistency as well especially when it comes to social media. I’ve been forcing myself to be consistent on Pinterest though or my traffic would tank!

    1. Thank you too for your comment, Corinne! 🙂 I’ve had to force myself too to stay consistent with Pinterest ?

  3. Enjoyed reading your post! It sounds like you have a good solid plan for the month. Good luck with everything.

    1. Thank you so much, Gina! Best of luck to your goals for this month too 🙂

  4. Great goals and great you have your own products to sell!

    All the best to your product sales!

    PS : can you make your font bigger, because I find it very small to read…

    1. Thank you so much!! And thank you too for your feedback about the text size. I’ve increased it 😀

  5. I love reading other bloggers’ goals and strategies! And same here with Pinterest. The amount of effort I’m giving into this platform is draining me so much. Can’t wait for the content planner template!

    1. Same here, Sara! I love reading other’s goals too 🙂 I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one who feels that way about Pinterest ? And thank you! I can’t wait to release it too! 🙂

  6. Omg! I read this, “I’d rather be writing or doing money-making activities instead of creating fresh pins or scheduling pins haha,” and I screamed YES internally. That is definitely me, and I know you read my blogging goals too, so you probably realized how averse I am to Pinterest. i get that Pinterest drives thousands in traffic if done well. but it just seems like so much effort to me.

    Congratulations on your blog audit client!!! I was approached for a freelance writing gig in July too. I can understand your excitement!

    All the best in your goals, Izzy! Have a great weekend, can’t wait to read more of your work soon. 🙂

    1. HAHA right?? It’s so exhausting to pin 5-15 fresh pins every day. I’m running out of ideas for pins. And I don’t even know if it’s okay to be using the same title and description for the same blog post or if I should switch it up ? I would like to outsource Pinterest management eventually hahaha!!

      And thank you so much! Congratulations too on your freelance writing gig 😀

      Best of luck to you too, Ming! Looking forward to reading your posts as well 🙂

  7. This was a really interesting post! I’m glad to read about your monetising journey and goals – I also have my site monetised (although more indirectly through affiliate links + adsense) so I really enjoy learning how other people are too & learning more around it. Good luck with smashing these all! xx

    mia // https://beautiful-inspiring-creative-life.com/

    1. Thank you, Mia! How’s adsense and affiliate marketing going for you? 🙂 I also like to read about how people are monetising their blogs and learn from their experiences as well 😀