Be Unapologetically You Blogging Tag
The Be Unapologetically You blogging tag is about encouraging you to be unafraid to be yourself.
Because life’s too short to not love ourselves wholly, to not focus on what makes us happy and to not pursue our bliss.
It took a current blogging slump which led to rebranding my blog to incorporate more of this philosophy into my life both online and offline.
In the previous Blogging Nostalgia tag, it was all about reminiscing your blog journey.
But this blogging tag is all about sharing the things that make you happy and inspire you to be a better person. And also hopefully, inspire you to build your dream blog by sharing your bliss.
It’s a safe and no-judgment zone where you can happily geek out and talk about the things you love, or what I’d like to call as a fangirl approach to life.
Here are the rules for this blogging tag.
Be Unapologetically You Tag Rules:
1. Use the Be Unapologetically You banner in your post. It can be your featured image or not. It’s totally up to you.
2. Include the link to this blogging tag ( in your post.
3. Answer the 7 questions in this tag.
4. Nominate between 5-10 bloggers, link their blogs, and tag them on social media to notify them.
5. Most of all, have fun!

Be Unapologetically You Questions:
- Introduce yourself and your blog while sharing one trivia about you that not that many people know.
- What topics do you love geeking out about that you would say are topics that give you bliss?
- Do you blog about them? Why or why not? If not, would you like to blog about them one time?
- Would you say that you are living life by being unapologetically you? Why or why not? If not, what would your life look like if you were unafraid to share more about the things that make you happy?
- Permission to geek out & be unapologetically you: share with us one thing you fangirl or fanboy over and how you became a fan of it. It can be anything. Your love for soy candles, your favorite food, a boy band or an underrated film.
- What do you love the most about being a fan?
- Share a fun or unforgettable fan experience.
Have fun and enjoy the blogging tag. And if you share your posts on social media, tag me @izzmatias so that I can share your post. ✨
Here’s my post, A Fangirl Approach to Life by Being Unapologetically Me, where I answered my tag questions.
Featured photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash
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This is so creative and fun. I like the questions that let you get to know someone and their passions as a blogger and as a person. I am planning to work on this tag for my blog. Thank you for sharing!
This is a fabulous blogging tag. I was recently tagged and I’m working on my post right now!
This is such a fun tag! Love that you created a new one 🙂 x
Thank you, Caroline! Feel free to do the tag if you want to 🙂
what a creative & fun tag, izzy! i’d love to do this tag myself on my blog, if you don’t mind? these are such great questions to answer. 🙂
Yay so glad you like it! And yes, of course, you may do the tag. Please share the link with me when your blog post is up. I’d love to read it! ☺️