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Blogs To Check Out This June

Disclaimer: AD – This is an Advertising for Bloggers post

Welcome back to another edition of The Spotlight, a monthly series that features a roundup of bloggers for you to check out.

In this edition, I’m happy to introduce to you two blogs from different niches that are a new addition to The Spotlight series.

Charlie Explores Life

Charlie Explores Life is a new lifestyle blog by Charlie. You may know her from her other blog Goal of Happiness. She created Charlie Explores Life after struggling with her mental health and developing into a someone more confident and adventurous. Her new blog covers a range of topics from books, movies, television and even travel.

Check out these two posts by Charlie:

She also kindly reviewed The Content Chest membership. You can read it here:

Follow Charlie on social media:  

Twitter:  @Charliebirch93


Dispeller is a well-being brand without the sanctimonious fluff. A space dedicated to curiosity, shattering illusions, and being true to yourself.

Check out these two posts by Dispeller

Follow Dispeller on social media:  

Twitter:  @Lauracesca__

Instagram  @Dispeller.co

Pinterest:  @Dispeller__

Want to advertise your blog? Check out the Ultimate Advertising For Bloggers Directory to find out which blogs you can advertise your blog with and grow your visibility

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  1. I’m always looking for new blogs to follow to thank you for introducing me to two new ones! I’ll be exploring their sites soon! I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Thanks so much for having me as an advertiser! I’m off to read Charlie’s blog — sounds right up my street! 🙂