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5 Things You Need to Offer Advertising for Blogs

Have you ever thought of offering advertising for blogs or bloggers? If you have, then this post will help you on what you need to prepare in order to set up your advertising for bloggers packages.

Advertisements are one of the ways you can monetise your blog. But even when it comes to the topic of advertisements, there’s a lot to cover. 

There’s sponsored collaborations, affiliate marketing, advertising your own products, advertising via ad networks or offering your own advertising for blogs. 

featured image by Olivia Hutcherson on Unsplash

5 Things You Need So Can Start Offering Advertising for Blogs 

Number of Packages 

When crafting your own advertising packages, you can create as many packages as you like.

When deciding how many packages, think about the value that each package can offer and how many advertising for blogs packages are manageable for you, especially if you have more than one option.

You’ll have to manage it well to ensure you don’t forget to execute all your inclusions.

My tip would be to start with one and then later on you can always add more packages later on.


Now you know how many packages you’ll be offering, you need to decide what will you be offering per package.

If you have no idea what inclusions per package, look at what other advertising for blogs packages offer so you can get an idea on what other bloggers expect.

Some examples of what to include in your packages are a dedicated blog post for advertisers or a shout out on social media.

Check out my different advertising for bloggers packages & inclusions here.

Price range 

After deciding how many packages you’ll be offering and the inclusions, it’s time to decide the price range.

It can be tricky to choose how much to charge, but think of the time and effort it will take to execute your advertising for blogs packages.

If you have more than 1 package, your price range between the different should make sense for the inclusions offered.

Competitive advantage 

How do you set your packages apart from the rest?

Again, this goes back to looking what are the standard inclusions and see what’s not being offered.

Look for the gap in the market and offer that.

So for example, in my Top Management package, I offer a dedicated blog post per Top Management advertiser to feature a solo interview and let that blogger’s story shine. 


By process, I mean booking and customer service process.

How will bloggers book your packages and settle payment?

Majority of my process is automated except for when I have to follow up in case the materials haven’t been sent. 

So the 5 things you need to offer advertising for blogs are your number of packages, inclusions, price range, competitive advantage and process. 


If you need more help regarding advertising for blogs and get access to the complete version of the advertising for bloggers directory arranged by domain authority, I invite you to join The Content Chest.

Want to advertise your blog? Check out the Ultimate Advertising For Bloggers Directory to find out which blogs you can advertise your blog with and grow your visibility

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